Overleg gebruiker:Atcovi
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Erik Baas (overleg) 3 dec 2015 01:18 (CET)
[bewerken]Hi Atcovi, this change was incorrect as hem is the Dutch translation of him, not of his, so it has been reverted. Please only edit if you are familiar with the subject. Thanks. De Wikischim (overleg) 3 dec 2015 10:10 (CET)
However, your edits on the Dutch-English vocabulary list seem OK. My advice: try to restrict yourself to editing that page. De Wikischim (overleg) 3 dec 2015 10:16 (CET)
- Common mistake I make usually. I'm familiar with that but I guess it just "slipped" off. And I'll be sure to do just that, thanks for the help Gebruiker:De Wikischim! ----Atcovi (Talk - Contribs) 3 dec 2015 13:47 (CET)
Suggestion; explain the alphabet?
[bewerken]I have another suggestion: could you try to fill in Engels/Alfabet (so that means, explain the English alphabet to Dutch-speaking people)? I guess that's easier for you as you hardly need to write in Dutch for that. De Wikischim (overleg) 4 dec 2015 18:17 (CET)
- So with audio too? @De Wikischim ----Atcovi (Overleg - Gebruikersbijdragen) 4 dec 2015 19:22 (CET)
- That's possible, or with IPA notation (example). De Wikischim (overleg) 4 dec 2015 19:27 (CET)
- Is dit goed of...? @De Wikischim ----Atcovi (Overleg - Gebruikersbijdragen) 5 dec 2015 03:53 (CET)
- That's possible, or with IPA notation (example). De Wikischim (overleg) 4 dec 2015 19:27 (CET)
Engels/Vocabulary E-N, Engels/Vocabulary N-E and new pages
[bewerken]Hi again, thanks for the new pages you created. However, how about joining them (I mean, create a bigger module instead of smaller separate ones) with "Vocabulary"? Is is because these pages are thematically very related. Maybe we can call the module as a whole "Vocabulary" and rename the two old pages above to something like "Small dictionary". What's your opinion on this? Best, De Wikischim (overleg) 8 dec 2015 23:46 (CET)
- @De Wikischim, can you make a little draft on this with the format? ----Atcovi (Overleg - Gebruikersbijdragen) 9 dec 2015 01:56 (CET)
- Maybe I can explain it better to you with the aid of the template Sjabloon:Engels. At the moment, the two pages named "Vocabulary" (see above) are both subpages of the module "6. Woordenlijsten" (they still need to be renamed, I see). My proposal is to make the two pages you created lately subpages of "Woordenlijsten". as well. Concretely, this means they will be renamed to Engels/Woordenlijsten/Kleren, etc. De Wikischim (overleg) 9 dec 2015 16:01 (CET)
- Yes, I like this idea :) ----Atcovi (Overleg - Gebruikersbijdragen) 9 dec 2015 16:57 (CET)
- Maybe I can explain it better to you with the aid of the template Sjabloon:Engels. At the moment, the two pages named "Vocabulary" (see above) are both subpages of the module "6. Woordenlijsten" (they still need to be renamed, I see). My proposal is to make the two pages you created lately subpages of "Woordenlijsten". as well. Concretely, this means they will be renamed to Engels/Woordenlijsten/Kleren, etc. De Wikischim (overleg) 9 dec 2015 16:01 (CET)
- See this new page: Engels/Woordenlijsten. The two links below are the pages newly created by you. You can edit from here further and/or add new links if you want to. Good luck! De Wikischim (overleg) 9 dec 2015 17:10 (CET)
- Hartelijk Bedankt! ----Atcovi (Overleg - Gebruikersbijdragen) 9 dec 2015 17:11 (CET)