Deze module is nog in ontwikkeling (versie 0.0) en wordt getest.
De Module:Layout is bedoeld om snel, consistent en uitgebreid een pagina op te maken.
Er is een op de module afgestemde handleiding over deze onderwijswiki beschikbaar.
De module wordt geïnitialiseerd met de configuratie in Module:Layout/Production/Configuration.
Patronen om strings te analyseren of te manipuleren zijn lastig te doorgronden en foutgevoelig. Daarom worden ze indien ze complex en cruciaal zijn apart in deze bibliotheek gezet en afzonderlijk grondig getest in Module:Layout/Test/Pattern
local pattern = {};
-- This function will return everything after the first equal sign with nothing then spacetype characters in front of it.
-- If the first = sign is part of == or === or ... then nil is returned because there is no defining single = sign.
function pattern.content_after_starting_equal_sign( text ) -- :string or nil
-- The pattern '^%s*=%s*(.*)' is used to match a string of the form '=value',
-- where value is any sequence of characters.
-- The ^ symbol indicates the beginning of the string, and the $ symbol indicates the end of the string.
-- The %s* pattern matches any number of whitespace characters (including spaces, tabs, and newlines).
-- The = character is a literal character that must be present in the string.
-- The (.*) pattern is a capture group that matches any sequence of characters (including none).
-- When this pattern is applied to a string using string.match, it will extract the value portion of the string
-- (i.e., everything after the = character) and return it as a separate string.
text = text:match( '^%s*=(.*)' );
-- If a = is found then in the case of a == of more the string starts with a =
-- The pattern "^=" matches the start of the string followed by "=".
-- If the string starts with "=", string.find will return the starting position of the pattern (i.e., 1), and the if statement will evaluate to true.
-- If the string does not start with "=", string.find will return nil, and the if statement will evaluate to false.
if not text or string.find( text, "^=") then return nil; end
return mw.text.trim( text );
-- This function will returns a string with the last segment from the url.
function pattern.last_segment_of_url( url ) -- :string
-- This will use the pattern "/.+$" to match any sequence of characters starting with '/' and ending with the end of the string.
-- This will extract the last path segment from the URL.
local text = string.match( url, "/.+$" );
-- Pattern can also return a //
if not text or text == "" then return ""; end
-- If there remove all /
return string.gsub( text, "/", "");
-- Just get the parameter name after the split by pattern.paramname_and_paramvalue( text )
function pattern.paramname( text )
local param_table = pattern.paramname_and_paramvalue( text );
return param_table[1];
-- Split of a text like a = b into param_name = a and param_value = b.
function pattern.paramname_and_paramvalue( text )
-- We must exclude "==" if that's the start
if string.find( text, "^%s*==" ) then
return { nil, text };
-- Let's divide the part into one that has valid characters for a possible parametername and the remaining stuff
local param_name, rest = pattern.split_paramname_from_the_rest( text );
-- We must exclude "==" if that's the start
if rest and string.find( rest, "^%s*==" ) then
return { nil, text };
-- If there is a param_name it can still be part of the param_value.
-- So there must be content after a starting = in the rest.
if param_name and pattern.content_after_starting_equal_sign( rest ) then
return { param_name, pattern.content_after_starting_equal_sign( rest ) };
-- If there is no param_name it can still be the case of a unnamed parameter defined by " = xjbkjxAK"
-- We can have either " = param_value" or "param_value"
if not param_name and pattern.content_after_starting_equal_sign( text ) then
return { nil, pattern.content_after_starting_equal_sign( text ) };
-- Now the only remaining situation is that all text is the value of an unnamed paramter.
return { nil, text };
-- Just get the parameter value after the split by pattern.paramname_and_paramvalue( text )
function pattern.paramvalue( text )
local param_table = pattern.paramname_and_paramvalue( text );
return param_table[2];
-- This function will returns a string with the last segment from the url removed.
function pattern.remove_last_segment_from_url( url ) -- :string
-- The / character is a literal character that is matched in the string and seperates the segments in a URL
-- The [^/] part of the pattern matches any character that is not a '/'.
-- The * character indicates that the preceding character (in this case, the [^/] character class) should be matched zero or more times.
-- The $ character is a special character that represents the end of the string. It is used to ensure that the pattern only matches characters at the end of the string.
-- Together, the pattern "/[^/]+$" will match any sequence of characters starting with '/' and ending with the end of the string,
-- that does not contain any '/' characters.
return url:gsub("/[^/]*$", "");
-- This function removes a template definition
function pattern.remove_template_definition( text, template_name ) -- :string or nil
if not pattern.template_definition_at_start_and_end( text, template_name ) then return nil; end
-- '^{{' means start at the exact beginning of the string
text = text:gsub( '^{{' .. template_name, '' )
-- '}}$' means end at the exact ending of the string
return text:gsub('}}$', '')
-- This function replaces the | characters inside lines that start with a certain character.
function pattern.replace_in_lines_that_start_with_a_character( text, start, search, replace )
if not (
type( text ) == "string" and
type( start ) == "string" and
type( search ) == "string" and
type( replace ) == "string" ) then
return text;
local start_pos = 1;
while true do
-- find the next line starting with * or the next \n*
local from, to = string.find( text, "^%" .. start, start_pos ) or string.find( text, "\n%" .. start, start_pos );
if not from then break end
-- find the next newline or the end of the string
local _, end_pos = string.find( text, "\n", to);
if not end_pos then end_pos = string.len( text ) end
-- replace | with special character on the line
text = string.sub( text, 1, from - 1) .. string.gsub( string.sub( text, from, end_pos ), search, replace ) .. string.sub( text, end_pos + 1 )
start_pos = from + 1;
return text;
-- This function replaces the | characters inside lists, templates, tables, links, headings and tags with a special character.
function pattern.replace_inner_pipes( text )
local special_character = "¦";
-- Replace the | into lines that are lists and start with *, # or :
text = pattern.replace_in_lines_that_start_with_a_character( text, "*", "|", special_character );
text = pattern.replace_in_lines_that_start_with_a_character( text, "#", "|", special_character );
text = pattern.replace_in_lines_that_start_with_a_character( text, ":", "|", special_character );
-- %b{} is a pattern that matches balanced brackets,
-- so this finds all remaining templates {{ }} and tables {| |}in the text after we removed the actual template we want.
text = text:gsub('%b{}', function(t) return t:gsub('|', '¦') end );
-- %b[] would match balanced square brackets [] to find links
text = text:gsub('%b[]', function(t) return t:gsub('|', '¦') end );
-- %b() would match balanced parentheses (). But hese are not allow outside links so they do not have to be removed. Still for safety let's do it.
text = text:gsub('%b()', function(t) return t:gsub('|', '¦') end );
-- '%b<>' also tags can contain the | character in itself.
text = text:gsub('%b<>', function(t) return t:gsub('|', '¦') end );
-- Remove also | within the tag-pairs
text = text:gsub('<(.-)>(.-)</%1>', function( tag, contents ) contents = contents:gsub('|', '¦'); return '<' .. tag .. '>' .. contents .. '</' .. tag .. '>'; end );
-- Also the headings can contain the | character. But this not allowed in templates
return text;
-- This pattern captures the first sequence of letters, digits, or underscores at the beginning of the part string and assigns it to param_name,
-- and assigns the rest of the part string to rest.
function pattern.split_paramname_from_the_rest( text ) -- :indexed table or list
-- The pattern '^(%a[%a%d_]*)(.*)' consists of two capture groups.
-- The first capture group '(%a[%a%d_]*)' matches one or more letters, digits, or underscores,
-- and the second capture group '(.*)' matches any character zero or more times.
return text:match('^(%a[%a%d_]*)(.*)');
-- This pattern checks if the text starts with a definition of the template {{template_name and is ended correctly by }}
function pattern.template_definition_at_start_and_end( text, template_name ) -- :boolean
-- "^{{" matches the beginning of the string and the characters "{{".
-- template_name is a variable that represents the name of the template.
-- Now it is crucial that the end of the name of template is reached to distinguish between for example Test versus Testing as name.
-- "[}|%s]+" matches one or more occurrences of "}" or "|" a space type character (like space itself or newline of tab).
-- "}}$" matches the characters "}}" at the end of the string.
-- The and true or false part at the end just returns true if the pattern matches, or false if it doesn't.
-- The {{ the start and the }} at he end must be machting. So look for the first matching {{}} pair and check if they start and end the string.
local first, last = string.find( text, "%b{}" );
if ( first ~= 1 or last ~= #text ) then return false; end
return text:match( "^{{" .. template_name.."[}|%s]+" ) and text:match( "}}$" ) and true or false;
return pattern