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Uit Wikibooks
 Deze module is nog in ontwikkeling (versie 0.0) en wordt getest.

De Module:Layout is bedoeld om snel, consistent en uitgebreid een pagina op te maken.
Er is een op de module afgestemde handleiding over deze onderwijswiki beschikbaar.

De module wordt geïnitialiseerd met de configuratie in Module:Layout/Production/Configuration.

Controleer op scriptfouten of opmaak notificaties.

local content = {}

function content.main( call )
	local array, extract, text = call.include( "array", "extract", "text" );
	local content = {};
	local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle();
	content.title = "";
	if title then content.title = title.subpageText; end
    content.progress = "0";
    content.detail = {};
    content.detail[1] = {};
    content.detail[1].name = call.message.BOOKSHELF.NAME;
	content.detail[1].value = "";
    content.detail[2] = {};
    content.detail[2].name = call.message.INFOBOX.BOOKTYPE;
	content.detail[2].value = call.message.INFOBOX.INSTRUCTION;
    content.detail[3] = {};
    content.detail[3].name = call.message.INFOBOX.NUMBER_OF_CHAPTER;
	content.detail[3].value = "0";
    content.detail[4] = {};
    content.detail[4].name = call.message.INFOBOX.ACTIVITY;
	content.detail[4].value = call.message.INFOBOX.ACTIVITY_LOW;
    content.detail[5] = {};
    content.detail[5].name = call.message.INFOBOX.STARTDATE ;
	content.detail[5].value = "";
    content.detail[6] = {};
    content.detail[6].name = call.message.INFOBOX.CONTRIBUTORS ;
	content.detail[6].value = "";
    content.detail[7] = {};
    content.detail[7].name = call.message.INFOBOX.DESCRIPTION;
	content.detail[7].value = "";
	content.detail[8] = {};
    content.detail[8].name = call.message.INFOBOX.PROJECTPAGE;
	content.detail[8].value = "";

	local wiki_title = content.title );
	if wiki_title then
        local url_title = mw.uri.encode( content.title, "WIKI" );

 	    local progress_parameters = extract.parameter( wiki_title:getContent(), call.message.TEMPLATENAME, call.message.PARAM.PROGRESS, call );
	    if progress_parameters and progress_parameters[1] and #progress_parameters[1] > 0 then
			content.progress = progress_parameters[1];
		local bookshelf = false;
 	    local collection_parameters = extract.parameter( wiki_title:getContent(), call.message.TEMPLATENAME, call.message.PARAM.COLLECTION, call );
	    if collection_parameters and collection_parameters[1] and #collection_parameters[1] > 0 then
	       local serie_wiki_title = collection_parameters[1] );
	       if serie_wiki_title.exists then 
	           local serie_collection_parameters = extract.parameter( serie_wiki_title:getContent(), call.message.TEMPLATENAME, call.message.PARAM.COLLECTION, call );
	           if serie_collection_parameters and serie_collection_parameters[1] and #serie_collection_parameters[1] > 0 then
                   	bookshelf = serie_collection_parameters[1];
           	   bookshelf = collection_parameters[1];
        if bookshelf then content.detail[1].value = string.format( "[[%s:%s|%s]]", call.message.BOOKSHELF.NAME, bookshelf, bookshelf ); end

	    local part_parameters = extract.parameter( wiki_title:getContent(), call.message.TEMPLATENAME, call.message.PARAM.PART, call );
	    if part_parameters and part_parameters[1] then
	    	local parts = text.split( part_parameters[1], true );
	    	content.detail[3].value = tostring( #parts );

	    content.detail[5].value = call.message.INFOBOX.STARTDATE_TEXT .. string.format( "[%s]", string.format( call.message.INFOBOX.STARTDATE_API, url_title ) );
	    content.detail[6].value = call.message.INFOBOX.CONTRIBUTORS_TEXT .. string.format( "[%s]", string.format( call.message.INFOBOX.CONTRIBUTORS_API, url_title ) );

	    local description_parameters = extract.parameter( wiki_title:getContent(), call.message.TEMPLATENAME, call.message.PARAM.DEFINITION, call );
	    if description_parameters and description_parameters[1] then
	    	content.detail[7].value = description_parameters[1];
	    content.detail[8].value = string.format( "[[%s|%s]]", wiki_title.talkPageTitle.fullText, wiki_title.talkNsText );

    call.content = content;
    return call;

return content;
Informatie afkomstig van Wikibooks NL.
Wikibooks NL is onderdeel van de wikimediafoundation.