FOUTEN GECONSTATEERD: * De parameter Foutafhandeling zoals gespecificeerd in {{Opmaak | ... | Foutafhandeling = Debug | ... }} bestaat niet. Gebruik een van de volgende types; Object, Support, Formaat, Orientatie, Kleur, Titel, Definitie, Beschrijving, Voortgang, Bron, Referentie, Collectie, Onderdeel. Zie de Sjabloon:Opmaak-pagina voor meer uitleg.
DE VOLGENDE STAPPEN HEEFT HET SJABLOON OPMAAK DOORLOPEN:Zie de Module:Layout-pagina om het programma stap voor stap te volgen.
- The Call object has been initialized
- De Module:Layout stelt vast dat het is aangeroepen door de pagina Sjabloon:Opmaak met de volgende aanroep:
{{#invoke:Layout|main|description=|part=|definition=|reference=|title=|object=|progress=|support=|orientation=|collection=|format=|source=|color=||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||}}- De module stelt vast dat de Sjabloon:Opmaak is aangeroepen door de pagina Module:Layout/Production/Test/Extract.
Er is één niet bestaande parameter Foutafhandeling in de aanroep van het Sjabloon:Opmaak.
HET SJABLOON ADVISEERT JE HET VOLGENDE TE PROBEREN:Zie de Sjabloon:Opmaak-pagina voor meer uitleg.
local test = {};
local CFG = require("Module:Layout/Configuration");
local extract = CFG.INCLUDE( "extract" );
local unittest = CFG.LOAD.LIBRARY_TEST();
local testpath = "Module:Layout/Test/Testcases/";
local testpage = {
empty = require( testpath .. "Empty_Page" ), -- Page has no content.
corrupted_headings = require( testpath .. "Corrupted_Headings" ), -- Page has only headings with text before or after the ==.
four = require( testpath .. "Four" ), -- Page has four templates and headings
one = require( testpath .. "One" ), -- Page has only one two level header and one template.
only_text = require( testpath .. "Only_Text" ), -- Page has only text into it. No headings, templates or whatsoever.
other = require( testpath .. "Other" ), -- Page has only other type of templates or headings.
ten = require( testpath .. "Ten" ), -- Page has ten headings and templates.
two_hits = require( testpath .. "Extract_Parameter_Two_Hits" ), -- Page has a template with the testparameter.
present = require( testpath .. "Extract_Parameter_Present" ), -- Page has the same template name multiple times.
multiple_parameters = require( testpath .. "Extract_Parameter_Multiple_Parameters" ), -- Page has a template where the same parameter occurs multiple times.
not_exist_path = testpath .. "Does_Not_Exist", -- Page is not existing.
empty_path = testpath .. "Empty", -- Page has no content.
only_text_path = testpath .. "Empty Page" -- Page has only text into it. No headings, templates or whatsoever.
test = unittest:new();
function test:test_Library_Extract_content()
local only_text = [[return "";]];
self:assertEquals( nil , extract.content( ), "No titlename" );
self:assertEquals( nil , extract.content( "" ), "Empty titlename" );
self:assertEquals( nil , extract.content( testpath.not_exist_path ), "Does not exist" );
self:assertEquals( nil , extract.content( testpath .. "{{wrongname}}" ), "Wrong syntax titlename" );
self:assertEquals( "" , extract.content( testpage.empty_path ), "Empty" );
self:assertEquals( only_text , extract.content( testpage.only_text_path ), "Some text" );
function test:test_Library_Extract_heading()
local empty = {};
local result1 = { "This one" };
local result2 = { "One", "Two", "Three", "Four" };
local result3 = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9|", "10" };
self:assertDeepEquals( empty , extract.heading( testpage.empty ), "Empty page" );
self:assertDeepEquals( empty , extract.heading( testpage.only_text ), "No headings at all" );
self:assertDeepEquals( empty , extract.heading( testpage.other ), "Only other headings" );
self:assertDeepEquals( empty , extract.heading( testpage.corrupted_headings ), "Corrupted headings" );
self:assertDeepEquals( result1, extract.heading( ), "One heading" );
self:assertDeepEquals( result2, extract.heading( testpage.four ), "Four headings" );
self:assertDeepEquals( result3, extract.heading( testpage.ten ), "Ten headings" );
function test:test_Library_Extract_parameter()
local empty = {};
local result1 = { '{{ xhajbcjh | {{ nakdssnk }} [[ | ]] }}' };
local result2 = { "Ervoor", "Erna" };
self:assertDeepEquals( empty , extract.parameter( "" , "Test", "Testparameter" ), "Empty titlename" );
self:assertDeepEquals( empty , extract.parameter( " " , "Test", "Testparameter" ), "Spaces titlename" );
self:assertDeepEquals( empty , extract.parameter( testpage.two_hits , nil , "Testparameter" ), "No templatename" );
self:assertDeepEquals( empty , extract.parameter( testpage.two_hits , "" , "Testparameter" ), "Empty templatename" );
self:assertDeepEquals( empty , extract.parameter( testpage.two_hits , " ", "Testparameter" ), "Spaces templatename" );
self:assertDeepEquals( empty , extract.parameter( testpage.present , " " ), "No parameter" );
self:assertDeepEquals( empty , extract.parameter( testpage.present , " ", "" ), "Empty parameter" );
self:assertDeepEquals( empty , extract.parameter( testpage.present , " ", " " ), "Spaces parameter" );
self:assertDeepEquals( empty , extract.parameter( testpage.present , "No" , "Testparameter" ), "No parameter found" );
self:assertDeepEquals( result1, extract.parameter( testpage.multiple_parameters , "Test", "Testparameter" ), "Meerdere templates. Eerste heeft geen parameters" );
self:assertDeepEquals( result1, extract.parameter( testpage.present , "Test", "Testparameter" ), "Parameter found" );
self:assertDeepEquals( result2, extract.parameter( testpage.present , "Test" ), "Parameter not specified" );
function test:test_Library_Extract_template()
local input1 = [[{{Opmaak
| Object = Boek
| Bron = Humanature logo.jpg
| Beschrijving = Dit is een test voor het opmaken van een boek
| Voortgang = 5
| Collectie = Sjabloon:Opmaak
| Onderdeel = Sjabloon:Opmaak/Test/Logo
| Foutafhandeling = Debug
local result1 = { { "Before", "After", Testparameter = "{{ xhajbcjh | {{ nakdssnk }} [[ | ]] }}" } };
local result2 = { { "Before", "After", Testparameter = "{{ xhajbcjh | {{ nakdssnk }} [[ | ]] }}" }, {"This"}, {"Before"}, { Testparameter = "f{{Here}}f"} };
local result3 = { {"1"}, {"2"}, {"3"}, {"4"}, {"5"}, {"6"}, {"7"}, {"8"}, {"9"}, {"10"} };
local result4 = { {
Beschrijving = "Dit is een test voor het opmaken van een boek",
Bron = "Humanature logo.jpg",
Collectie = "Sjabloon:Opmaak",
Foutafhandeling = "Debug",
Object = "Boek",
Onderdeel = "Sjabloon:Opmaak/Test/Logo",
Voortgang = "5"
local no_template = {};
self:assertDeepEquals({ {"One", t= "Two"} } , extract.template( "{{Test|One|t = Two}}" , "Test" ) , "{{Test|One|t = Two}}" );
self:assertDeepEquals({ {"One", t= "{{Two}}"} } , extract.template( "{{Test|One|t = {{Two}}}}" , "Test" ) , "{{Test|One|t = {{Two}}}}" );
self:assertDeepEquals({ {"One", t= "Two"} } , extract.template( ",anc,a{{Test|One|t = Two}}cbshd", "Test" ) , ",anc,a{{Test|One|t = Two}}cbshd" );
self:assertDeepEquals({ {"One", t= "Two"}, { "Three" } }, extract.template( ",anc,a{{Test|One|t = Two}}cbshd{{Test|Three}}", "Test" ), ",anc,a{{Test|One|t = Two}}cbshd{{Test|Three}}" );
self:assertDeepEquals( no_template, extract.template( testpage.empty , "Test" ), "Empty page" );
self:assertDeepEquals( no_template, extract.template( testpage.only_text , "Test" ), "No headings at all" );
self:assertDeepEquals( no_template, extract.template( testpage.other , "Test" ), "Only other headings" );
self:assertDeepEquals( no_template, extract.template( testpage.corrupted_headings , "Test" ), "Corrupted headings" );
self:assertDeepEquals( result1, extract.template( , "Test" ), "One template" );
self:assertDeepEquals( result2, extract.template( testpage.four , "Test" ), "Four templates" );
self:assertDeepEquals( result3, extract.template( testpage.ten , "Test" ), "Ten templates" );
self:assertDeepEquals( result4, extract.template( input1 , "Opmaak" ), "Ten templates" );
return test;