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Wikijunior:Engels/Leesvaardigheid 3/Antwoorden

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Opdracht 1




Santiago was fifteen years old when the war started. He lived in a small village. The women 
continued to work, while the men went away to fight. It was a strange time. It was unusual to  
hear laughter, and parties were rare. Santiago listened to the news reports every day. so many 
people were dyin, and he couldn't understand why.

Santanigo had his own opinion of the war, but no one wanted to listen to him. He thought that 
the politicians weren't doing their job. They said they wanted peace, but what they rally 
wanted was power.

"People should tell the government that they want peace," he thought. He believed that the 
people should try to change their lives.

Although Santaigo was young, people began to listen to him. Santiago kept telling them that  
they could change the world, and now they were ready to try. They talked to each other, and 
organized groups. They wrote letters to the politicians. The politicians soon discovered that 
they needed the support of the people if they didn't want to lose their jobs.

Santiago was in his last year of high school when the war ended. He decided to study law. Now 
he works for the government. He fights hard to keep the peace that they now have. HE remembers 
how terrible the war was for everyone.


  • Hoe oud was Santiago toen de oorlog begon?
A. 15
B. 50
C. 18
D. 14
  • Wie zijn "they" in "The said that they wanted peace..."?
A. de vrouwen
B. de inwoners van het dorpje
C. de politicussen
D. de nieuwsreporters
  • Kies een andere titel voor deze tekst!
A. "Santiago studies law"
B. "Life in a Small Village"
C. "Writing to Politicians"
D. "Santiago's Fight for Peace"
  • Santiago gelooft dat...
A. de mensen iedere dag naar het nieuws moeten luisteren
B. mensen moeten proberen hun leven te beteren
C. de oorlog door moet gaan
D. de politicussen kracht willen
  • Het volk was altijd geïnteresseerd in Santiago's mening over de oorlog. waar/nietwaar

Opdracht 2




After a long, busy day at work, Jason was finally going home. He was tired. He wasn't thinking
about anything special.

"Perhaps I should go into the supermarket in our neighborhood, and pick up a couple of pounds
of strawberries," Jason thought.

While Jason was driving to the store, his car phone rang. It was his wife, Jenny.

"Jason, where are you? Last night you promised to come home early to help me prepare the food
and decorate the house. You know that we're having a party tonight."

"Oh, no!" Jason said. "I had so much work today that I forgot about the party."

"I know it's always a good idea to remind you to come early, even when you promise," said
Jenny. "However, this time I expected you to remember."

At first, Jason didn't understand what Jenny was talking about, but then he remembered:
Jenny was having a party for him that night! It was his fiftieth birthday!


  • Geef dit verhaal een andere titel.
A. "Strawberries with Cream"
B. "Jason Goes Home Early"
C. "The Forgotten Party"
D. "Jenny's Party"
  • Waarom vergat Jason het feestje?
A. hij had die dag veel werk
B. hij dacht meer aan de aardbeien
C. hij wilde het huis niet versieren
D. hij haat verjaardagen
  • Wie zijn "we" in de zin "You know that we have a party tonight"?
A. Jason en Jenny
B. de gasten
C. Jenny en haar vrienden en vriendinnen
D. het eten en het huis
  • Jason heeft een telefoon in zijn auto. waar/nietwaar
  • Waar had Jenny hulp bij nodig?
A. eten maken
B. het huis schoonmaken
C. de taart versieren
D. aardbeien kopen

Opdracht 3




"Ladies and gentlemen, our flight is arriving shortly inn Washington, D.C." Rita was looking
out the window.  Around her people were talking excitedly. Rita was nervous. It was not only
her first time abroad, but it was also her first time outside her small village
in Mexico. She was visiting her aunt and uncle for the summer. She couldn't wait to go
sightseeing. But she was a little worried about her English. She knew some English from school,
and she hoped it was good enough.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the capital of the United States."

Rita checked to make sure she had everything: her passport, the immigration form and her round 
trip ticket. She followed the people out of the plane. She waited with the other foreigners
while the immigration officials asked each person many questions. Rita was nervous, but the
immigration officer patiently repeated each question slowly and clearly.

Rita found her suitcase and started walking toward the exit. Many people were waiting outside.
She was looking around, when she suddenly heard someone shout her name.

"Rita! Rita!" It was her aunt and uncle!

"We're so happy you're here!"

Rita smiled. She knew that she was going to have a good time that summer in America.


  • Waar vliegt Rita naartoe?
A. New York City
B. Washington, D.C.
C. Londen
D. Mexico City
  • Wat betekent "it" in "she hoped it was good enough"?
A. haar Spaans
B. haar Engels
C. de bezienswaardigheden
D. haar paspoort
  • Geef dit verhaal een andere titel!
A. "Summer in the Airport"
B. "Rita's Village in Mexico"
C. "The Capital of the U.S.A."
D. "A Visit to America"
  • Welk van deze dingen had Rita niet nodig?
A. een immigratieformulier
B. een vliegtuigticket
C. een creditcard
D. een paspoort
  • Waarom glimlachte Rita?
A. ze kende genoeg Engels
B. ze vond haar koffer
C. ze kon haar tante en oom niet op het vliegveld vinden
D. ze wist dat ze een fijn bezoek zou hebben.



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