Gebruikte bronnen zijn:
- Modern algebra, door Frank Ayres jr, Schaum outline series, ISBN: 0-07-002655-6
- Group theory, door B. Baumslag en B. Chandler, Schaum outline series, ISBN: 0-07-004124-5
- Symbolic logic & the game of logic, by Lewis Carroll, Dover Publishing, ISBN: 0-486-20492-7
- w:en:Zermelo–Fraenkel_set_theory
- w:Booleaanse_algebra
- Logic semninar uni Finland
- Lecture 1: Sets, Set Operations and Mathematical Induction, MIT OpenCourseWare, Dr. Casey Rodriguez
- Set Theory L1 by David Welch, Professor of Mathematical Logic, University of Bristol
- Commons
- SET THEORY, door John P. Burgess, uitgave Princeton University, ISSN 2516-418X.
- : Lorenz Demey: Logica en argumentatieleer
- films door Theo van den Bogaart
- A beginner's guide to mathematical logic, by Raymond M. Smullyan, Dover publications, New York, eISBN-13 978-0-486--78297-3 ISBN: 0486492370