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 Deze module is nog in ontwikkeling (versie 0.0) en wordt getest.

De Module:Layout is bedoeld om snel, consistent en uitgebreid een pagina op te maken.
Er is een op de module afgestemde handleiding over deze onderwijswiki beschikbaar.

De module wordt geïnitialiseerd met de configuratie in Module:Layout/Production/Configuration.

Controleer op scriptfouten of opmaak notificaties.

local convert = {};

-- This function converts a hexadecimal code to r, g, b
function convert.hex_to_rgb( hex )
    local r = tonumber( hex:sub(1, 2), 16 );
    local g = tonumber( hex:sub(3, 4), 16 );
    local b = tonumber( hex:sub(5, 6), 16 );
    return r, g, b;

-- This function converts a date into a age.
function convert.date_to_age( call )
	local timestamp = call.include( "timestamp" );

	local startdate = call.unnamed[1];
	local enddate   = call.unnamed[2];

	if not type( startdate ) == "string" or #startdate < 8 then return ""; end
    local startday, startmonth, startyear = string.gmatch( startdate, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")();

	if not type( enddate ) == "string" or #enddate < 8 then enddate = mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate("d-m-Y"); end
    local endday, endmonth, endyear   = string.gmatch( enddate, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")();

    -- Make sure day, month and year are numbers
    startday   = tonumber( startday );
    startmonth = tonumber( startmonth );
    startyear  = tonumber( startyear );
    endday     = tonumber( endday );
    endmonth   = tonumber( endmonth );
    endyear    = tonumber( endyear );

    -- Check if the dates are valid
    if not timestamp.valid( startday, startmonth, startyear ) or not timestamp.valid( endday, endmonth, endyear ) then return ""; end

    -- Calculate age based on day and month comparison
    local age = endyear - startyear;
    if endmonth < startmonth or ( endmonth == startmonth and endday < startday) then
        age = age - 1;

    if age < 0 then
        age = 0;
    return tostring( age );

-- This function converts a text into a table if the text containts the template template_name.
-- All parameters are stored as elements of the table.
-- Unnamed parameters become indexed where the index represents the position in the template.
-- Named parameters are stored associative.
function convert.template_to_table( inputtext, template_name, call ) -- :table
	local pattern, text = call.include( "pattern", "text" );
	-- Check if the text starts and ends with the definition of the template_name and if so remove it.
	inputtext = pattern.remove_template_definition( inputtext, template_name )
    if not inputtext then return {}; end

    -- Replace the | characters inside lists, templates, tables, links, headings and tags with a special character so it will not join the split
    -- Because we removed the template definition, the | in the template itself will not be changed.
    inputtext = pattern.replace_inner_pipes( inputtext );
	-- Split the template at the | character. We now for sure that inner wikitext elements do not join the split anymore.
    local parts = mw.text.split( inputtext, '|' );

   -- Create a new table to store the template parameters and values
    local t = {};
    local j = 1;  -- start index for unnamed parameters
    for _, part in ipairs( parts ) do
        -- Trim leading and trailing whitespace from the part
        part = mw.text.trim( part );
        -- Check if the first characters form the name of a parameter.
        -- If the result is empty that means we're dealing with the first part that still belongs to the template definition just skip.
        if not ( part == "" )
        	-- Let's divide the part into a parametername and a parametervalue
            local param_name = pattern.paramname( part );
            local param_value = pattern.paramvalue( part );

            -- Put the | back. The param_name should not contain the | character
            if text.valid( param_value ) then param_value = param_value:gsub('¦', '|'); else param_value = ""; end
            if param_name
            	-- We do have a parametername. So store it as the value of the key for the value of the parameter
                t[ param_name ] = mw.text.trim( param_value, "\t\r\n\f " );
                -- We do not have a parametername. The key is the position of the unnamed parameter.
                t[j] = mw.text.trim( param_value, "\t\r\n\f " );
                j = j + 1;
    return t;

return convert;
Informatie afkomstig van Wikibooks NL.
Wikibooks NL is onderdeel van de wikimediafoundation.